[urq] Square headligts with yellow lenses .

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Wed Oct 7 15:36:37 PDT 2009

Hi Pat,

I tried too to install these yellow lens headlamps, but never found new old
stock that were not too expensive. 

The solution is to order Bosch 110x166 headlamps : SQB46 (H4 bulb) and
SQB46H (H1 bulb). (about 125$CDN each pair)

And then, find some H4 with the clipped yellow caps, like these :
http://dbtuned.com/pics/Yellow%20H4.jpg. I bought mine on www.ebay.fr for 20
euros for a kit that contained a dozen other various bulbs from the 80's. 

And then, the hardest part : find some H1 yellow for the high beams.

I'm 2/3 complete on my urQ : i'm still looking for the H1 yellows, if such a
thing ever existed.


-----Message d'origine-----

Has ayone ever seen these . 
I've seen them once on a 1982 coupe . 

They originated from a TYP43 turbo . 
The so called 2T . Audi's first turbo car . 
And the yellow lights were France only . 

They're an exact match to the pre 1983 ur-q 
headlights and can be substituted . 
It looks real great . 
But helas , impossible to obtain nowadays . 
Even the white square headlights are hard to find , 
and the plastic trim around it is even harder . 


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