[urq] 2b relocate Alternator 'Siren' Noise?

Martin Pajak martin at quattro.ca
Fri Sep 4 12:54:49 PDT 2009

So when using a bracket it might be necessary to use a 4kq alternator as

Frank, you should have plenty of those to try out, if not I sure have one?


> Andrée-Anne Bourgeois
> One more observation : 4kq alternator uses a normal fan, ie not
> solid-faced
> and it is placed in the incoming airflow, while the urQ's in behind a
> solid
> cover.
> How do I know that ? During a winter ride in Brady's 4kq, the front of the
> car was literally packed with snow. I used my hand to remove it from the
> lower grille, just to have a finger caught into that da*n fan about an
> inch
> further. I still remember the pain, many years later.
> Different fan and different positioning, that surely explain the different
> sounds.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> But when I even lightly covered the air intakes on the back of the
> alternator, there was a very noticable change in the sound.
> So a clue in the direction, but no solution. Can't really run the
> alternator
> without the cooling airflow, and doesn't explain why the noise seems to be
> 'alternator location dependant'.
> 4K alternator is in a similar position, but no big noises from it..??
> =Frank=
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