[urq] Many questions...

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Thu Sep 17 07:27:34 PDT 2009

About the racing Audi.


We were daydreaming  about bringing a vintage Audi to Watkins Glen, and the
discussion was centered on which car to choose. The choices were an early
Audi Coupe GT (wasn't there one or two in Showroom stock classes in the day
?), an urQ ex-rally car but for tarmac rallies, or a 5ktq/200q like the one
MTM prepared a few years ago to attend the Nurburgring 24 hours. Remember
the orange barge that flew through the long-course at more than 300 km/h ? 


A few videos : 





What would be your choice to have a good fight with other racers ?




De : LL - NY [mailto:larrycleung at gmail.com] 

What is the most interesting old Audi that one would present at vintage or
historic road Racing, in the same vein as a Porsche or an MGB ?


Auto Union GP cars. Of course, I've never seen one at a vintage event,
they're simply too rare. Next up, the IMSA GTO 200 quattros and 80 quattros,
but they're not quite old enough yet (1988). 


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