[urq] Bill Bremer?

Wbremer wbremer at maine.rr.com
Fri Sep 25 20:21:56 PDT 2009

Actually, I'll release any info (upgrades, any other history, etc.) I have
to a purchaser of or serious shopper for an urquattro.  And I'll release
info on any car to anyone if the owner gives his permission in writing when
he/she registers the car.  I also release aggregated info (distribution of
cars by color, distribution of cars by geographic area on occasion to the
list.  When I created the registry around 1992, it was primarily to keep
track of cars and owners in the event of theft and if parts with VINs showed
up in the used parts market.  In the early days of this registry--which is
free and voluntary on both my part and on anybody who chooses to register--a
number of folks (about 1/2) seriously refused to participate if there was
any chance of info being released to other persons.  Unfortunately, for the
bulk of the earlier registrants, I did not ask the question about privacy on
the registration form, so I do not now know who cared and who did not care
about their info being "out there."  In addition, the registry was a
"chapter" of sorts of the then-Quattro Club, USA, but most urquattro owners
chose not to be members, for whatever reason, and the Quattro Club was
focused on the needs of its members.

There are/were other registry sites (as on Audifans.com at one time) where
folks could post photos, descriptions, ownership info about their cars, so
there was at least one site where anyone who wanted to could post all the
info they cared to share.

As a practical matter, most of the info that I have now is outdated, as work
and other commitments have kept me from chasing down new owners for the past
six+ years, and really the urq email list allows anybody who wants to make
their ownership info public to other listers.  Also, there are several
listers who track the cars that are bought and sold and probably have far
more current info than I have.

For whatever reason, we urquattro owners have not chosen to form a formal
preservation club, with dues, a newsletter, routine events, etc., such as
many classic and antique car owners have done; and with the internet and the
urquattro email list, we have very efficient ways to communicate without any

For urquattro owners who have never registered, I'll share reported upgrades
and any vehicle history on their car provided they provide the complete
17-digit VIN and provide their name, email address, the zip code where they
live, any mods to the car that they care to share, and the name of the
person from whom they bought the car.  It doesn't cost anything, and I may
take a few days to get the info out, I won't share your identifiable info,
and the registry is on a PC that is not connected to the internet, so it
can't be hacked.  

-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of Steve Schmidt
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 6:52 PM
To: urq at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] Bill Bremer?

Wbremer at maine.rr.com

He won't release any info.
He just collects it.
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