[urq] Brake compatability question - Hyd. URQ...

JP Chaplen quattrodude at comcast.net
Tue Apr 6 09:58:40 PDT 2010

Does anyone know if the Brake flow regulator from a BMW 535 (E28) is compatible with the unit from our system? 

I'm looking for a replacement and would rather purchase new if possible. 

Audi has the part as NLA, and I have run out of sources. I'm not convinced yet that this is the culprit, but want to thought i would look to see if this is even an option? 

FYI, i would purchase a new part, but here is a link for what i was looking at? 


Since i know the "bomb is interchangable" - but i was not sure if the connectors would be the same, its not a cheap part for sure, but if i only have to replace it once ever 27 years...i could live with that. 


Sorry if this topic has been discussed before. 



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