[urq] 83 urq Brake issues - where to go now?

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 10 07:00:54 PDT 2010

Didn't you say the pump and lines were getting hot? Still points to either:
A. Restriction somewhere
B. Faulty/wrong pump

These early units (pumps) ran considerably less pressure (iirc) than the
later Audi power steering/brake systems, which is why they rarely leak in my
experience. Regular ATF (synthetic or not) should be fine and is what these
cars were delivered with in the early to mid 80's.

Hope you find the problem before it gets worse.


On Apr 10, 2010 9:43 AM, <racingiron at comcast.net> wrote:

> ATF Dex only, no green stuff.
Any properly dex-rated stuff should be fine. However, Audi did supersede to
G002000 in this app, probably just to stay consistent across all the cars.
So, either one is fine, but if you switch, a thorough flush is recommended.

Eric R.
'86 urq
'92 urS
'93 urS

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