[urq] Ur-q Wheel / Tire fitment guide (update)

Johnny a.pre95 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 06:40:50 PDT 2010

Hello all,

I was doing some digging and came across this message posted on the
mailing list back in 1998. I was hoping to get some updates for the
list here for what people are currently running and know to fit the
early cars. I would like to run a 16" wheel but the tire selection for
the 45 series are slim. I will likely be test fitting some 225/50-16's
(though larger rolling diameter, has roughly 10x the amount of tires
to choose from). Also, it lists different diameters of tires for the
front & rear on some of the fits below, I had thought this would cause
issues with the quattro system? Insight appreciated!


Original Message:
Thanks to everyone for their help in compiling a list of permissible wheel and
tire combination's for the early style UrQ. Thanks especially to Ben Howell,
Frank Smith, John Karasaki, Jeff Hemmerlin and Jeffrey Goggin. Please keep in
mind that this is a working list. If anyone has any comments or questions
please email me privately. I'll update the list periodically as new
information arises. I hope I haven't misquoted anyone, if I have email me.
Thanks. The following tire and wheel sizes are purported to work with
non-flared rear fenders and a lowered suspension (Eibachs/H&R, etc) unless

15x6 ET45 - 205/60-15 Stock size, it damn well better fit.
15x6 ET45 - 215/60-15 Rubs (J. Hemmerlin)
15x7 ET45 - 205/60-15 Stock, optional
15x8 ET24 - 205/50-15 Fits for track use (J. Karasaki) 15x8 ET24 - 215/15-15
Fits with rolled fenders, rubs badly without rolled fenders (anyone)
16x7 ET30 - 205/50-16 Rubs under Heavy Loading/Heavy Cornering (HL/HC)(J.
16x7 ET37 - 205/55-16 OK (B. Howell)
16x7 ET45 - 225/50-16 Rubs under HL/HC (F. Smith)
16x7 ET45 - 205/50-16 OK (B. Howell)
16x7.5 ET35 - 225/45-16 OK (F. Smith)
16x7.5 ET35 - 215/45-16 OK (B. Howell)
16x7.5 ET35 - 225/60-16 OK? (F. Smith)
16x7.5 ET35 - 225/50-16 (Front) 205/55-16 (Rear) OK (B. Howell)

16x8 ET34 - 225/45-16 OK may v. occ. Rub under HL/HC) (G. Lawton)
16x8 ET35 - 225/45-16 OK (J. Karasaki, G. Lawton)
16x8 ET35 - 225/50-16 Rubs under HL/HC (J. Hemmerlin)
17x8 ET33 - 215/45-17 OK (J.Goggin) Rolled rear fenders.
17x8 ET35 - 235/40-17 (Front) 215/45-17 (Rear) OK (B. Howell)
Don't go there without help.

>From this compilation there are some notables. 16x7.5 ET35 w/ 225/45-16, 16x8
ET35 w/225/45-16, or for the slightly more budget minded 16x7 ET37 w/
205/55-16. Interesting combo is the Benn Howell suggestion of different sizes
front and rear with the 16x7.5 ET35 wheel. HTH,
Andrew Finney
1983 UrQ.

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