[urq] cast brake booster .

racingiron at comcast.net racingiron at comcast.net
Sun Feb 7 09:15:52 PST 2010

Patrick Carlier wrote: 
> I'm missing the blak part on the rigt side of the main spring . 
> The spring I was referring to is on the rigt side of the pushrod . 
> And the ring on the right side of the pushrod is missing to . 
I'm not sure that little spring and the ring are absolutely necessary. The aluminum booster doesn't have those parts: 
The spring seat on the right side of the main spring is definitely important. It causes the spring to rest against the pressure plug (the little piece with the single o-ring). Without that, the spring is seated directly against the operating piston. You can see some good cross-section diagrams of the (iron) booster in this IST document at Martin's site, near the end of the document: 

> Anyone have a spare or broken booster available where I 
> could salvage the missing parts . 
I have a spare spring seat you can have. It's from an Aluminum BMW booster (internally identical to the Al urq booster), but I suspect it's the same as the one you're missing except for the color. Send me a personal email with your address and I'll get it out to you. 

Eric R. 
'86 urq 
'92 urS 
'93 urS 

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