[urq] Any experience with the brand: Airtex on Reman Fuel Pumps

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 13:37:13 PST 2010

What about the good almost new fuel pump I included with the car? Or didn't
you check/misplaced that box?


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Robert A Dupree <
robert.a.dupree at jpmchase.com> wrote:

> The 26yr old OE Bosch unit finally died on UrQ last night so it's time to
> replace.  As luck would have it I was only test-firing the 3B engine while
> the car is up on jackstands awaiting the reinstall of the subframes and
> suspension.  The bad news is all the original steel lines are rusted junk,
> the good news is that it failed at a time when NOTHING is in my way to fix
> it.  Result - not only will a new pump be going on, but every line of the
> fuel system will get replaced now too!
> I've found the Airtex pumps on close-out for less than $70..  My question
> is does anyone have experience pro/con with them so it's not $70-wasted
> against a $200 Bosch unit?
> Rob D.
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