[urq] Toyota should be talking to Audi....

racingiron at comcast.net racingiron at comcast.net
Fri Feb 26 04:58:47 PST 2010

The other night I saw a network news report showing a "technician" in the passenger seat of a Toyota with wires and boxes hooked up to the car as the "reporter" drove the car and commented about how shocking it was to experience the stuck accelerator problem. The more things change... 

Eric R. 
'86 urq 
'92 urS 
'93 urS 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "boomer" <boomerbaird at gmail.com> 
To: urq at audifans.com 
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:38:02 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [urq] Toyota should be talking to Audi.... 

I am sick and tired of hearing about the toyota unintended 
acceleration. The testimony by the lady in Tennessee reminds me of all 
the people who swore up and down that their Audi drove off while they 
pushed with both feet on the brake. Most of these cases found the car 
to be in fine physical shape and the conclusion was that they were 
standing on the accelerator pedal. America learn how to drive! I love 
that she states how she called her husband when her car was supposedly 
careening down the highway by itself at over a hundred miles an hour. 
Personal responsibility no longer exists in America. Audi got lucky 
that their U.I.A. happened when there was less time for the networks 
to console the idiot public for their lack of skill and intelligence. 
Rant over, I was just surprised no one had brought up the obvious 
similarity. boomer 
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