[urq] AUDI Traditional parts store...Ur Q and Older cars

Max Hoepli mhoepli at vif.com
Tue Jan 19 16:49:50 PST 2010

Seems like the site........Jawohl!
Looked at it and there are pries given clcking deeper from the link below.


-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of Ed Torres
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 15:47
Cc: urq at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] AUDI Traditional parts store...Ur Q and Older cars

This is my second time trying to send this.  So my appoligees if you get it

Hey guys
A while back in October I was in Necksulm, Germany.  I asked the guys about
how to get parts for the Ur-quattro......bla..bla bla and how disapointed I
was that they don't have parts for these cars.....mean while I can get it
for BMW, Mercedes and Porsches.....So they told me that they are working on
a site for part for traditional cars.....
I got this e-mail below today and it is all in German....Can someone tell
me/us if this is the site that they where telling me about.... 


This would be great for all of us, if this is true, that Audi will have a
online autoparts for our old Audis...


English pdf


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Ed Torres
FA901038 UrQuattro
Norwalk Ct 06855



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