[urq] missing switch ???

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Sat Jan 30 08:34:40 PST 2010

According to my manual , there's supposed to be a 
fader button or something on the panel under 
the steering wheel . Early style brown interior . 

I found a picture of it in the owners manual that came with the car 
29 years ago . This is not the workshop manual I'm referring to . 

This fader button seems to correspond to the hole I found in all 3 
under the steering wheel panels I have availble . 

But I've never seen the switch or button or whatever you'de like to call 
it in reality . And I can't seem to find it in etka either . 

Can anyone shed some light on this ? 
I do have a picture of it , scanned from the manual . 


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