[urq] She's legal !!!

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Thu Jul 8 08:50:45 PDT 2010

Today , after over a year of writing letters and making phone calls , discussion and frustration 
I finally got my belgian title and other documents . 

Meaning my 1981 ur is now a legal driveable car in Belgium . 
No longer a piece of crap metal , oh no It's a car again :))) 

In an nutshell , it' was of Italian origine , and I bought from a guy who bought it from a guy who .... 
You get the picture . Needless to say all papers were lost . 
Took me over a year to get it right , and I prefer to rebuild an engine or a transmission then I would 
ever do this again . Bureaucrats  . 
Those damn paperwwork cost me more then I paid the entire car . 

Anyway , all's well that ends well . 
This winter , I can start the restauration . 
It's supposed to become fully original and full option . 


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