[urq] Fender Rolling - Fronts needed?

Johnny a.pre95 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 14:28:12 PDT 2010

Hey Ben,

I was able to do one side with 0 damage, the other (first side) got a
small chip/crack in the paint roughly 1" long on the seam (this was
unavoidable, there was a small dent on the fender arch itself, so once
rolled the paint gave out). Knowing the paint needed to be done on my
urq I went at it with no knowledge of rolling fenders minus a 3 minute
"how to" on youtube. The key to not wrecking the paint is heat. Heat
and more heat! The fender should be hot to the touch before performing
any rolling. When rolling cold, the paint will chip and flake off in
large portions, but when hot becomes more flexible and forgiving of
the flex.

I started off slow, and aligned the roller prior to heating the
fender. Once aligned, back the roller down off the fender and start in
with the heat gun (I kept the roller away from the heat). I got the
main portion of the quarter flare warm first (as this would draw the
heat from the wheel arch faster if left cold). Then continued on to
the arch itself. If you'd imaging the end of the fender is an L shape
(with the bottom of the 'L' going to be rolled up). I found the paint
is more likely to fail at the corner of the 'L' while rolling, so be
sure to keep that edge hot to the touch. Warm is not good enough here,
hot. Small adjustments on the roller as you go, lots of heat and take
your time.

Would I do this on a car with a good paint job? Maybe not, but knowing
I was able to do one side with no damage I may attempt it, and
considering the damage done had outlining factors involved (and again,
very minimal). Would I do this on a car I didn't personally own? No
way in hell. Too many variables that can cause issues that I'd be
liable for.

I spent roughly an hour to an hour and a half per side.

I hope this helps!


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:
> Were you able to roll the rear fenders without crimping or damage to the
> paint?  If so how.
> I only have a problem in the rear - front seems fine.
> Ben
> [Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 14:20:49 -0700
> From: Johnny <a.pre95 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [urq] Fender Rolling - Fronts needed?
> To: Audifans <urq at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
>         <AANLkTim3K27m-goG5md2Rq_rj6z9JWqlnTwva3fifei9 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> So I have finished rolling the fenders in the rear of my 83, and so far have
> left the fronts alone. Is there any reason to roll the fronts? Insight
> appreciated, I'll have the roller all week.
> Johnny]

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