[urq] Battery light goes on after 'clicking' sound

PETER audionly at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 08:06:40 PST 2010

Check the after run circuit for the radiator fan and injector fan. It  
sounds as if thereis a short somewhere in this circuit that is  
backfeeding voltage to the battery light when the heat sensor for the  
after run is in closed (hot) position. /Peter

Life has no dress rehearsals!

On Mar 4, 2010, at 8:37 AM, "Maurits Jonkergouw" <urquattro at moregraphics.nl 
 > wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> My urq is finally running again after 9 months and I'm very  
> pleased ;-))) I picked it up just yesterday and it runs beautiful  
> and smooth, throttle response is great. Fast too!
> Unfortunately there is a problem: the battery light stays on after  
> switching the ignition off if the engine is warm.
> - New battery
> - No battery light w/ running engine
> - Alternator charge:
>   ~13,95V @ idle
>   ~14.07V @ 2500 rpm
> - No battery drain
> I did notice the following though:
> A) if I restart and rev the engine with all electrics switched on  
> for a few seconds and shut off (key out), the battery light stays  
> off, just like normal.
> B) after a few minutes, a medium loud mechanical 'clunk' sound  
> (somewhere in the middle of the engine bay) 'turns' the battery  
> light on again, unless I repeat step A).
> C) Heidi keeps telling me the coolant temp is too high - in fact the  
> water temp gauge does indicate +1 LED over  N - but in all my days,  
> I never saw water temps this high so I guess Heidi's wrong... The  
> hose does feels a bit 'hot to touch' but isn't that normal?
> D) If the engine is cooled down, the battery light doesn't come on  
> and there is no 'click' either: I've repeated step A) just now with  
> cooled down engine and everything is normal.
> Any clues of what this clicking 'clunk' noise could be and how it  
> could trigger the battery light only when hot?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Maurits
> 1986 quattro GV
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