[urq] "Doesn't Need Distributor Signal"

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Thu Mar 25 14:56:47 PDT 2010

I can confirm this .

My engine came without a dizzy .
So I modified a five window one .
Changed the timing , removed the vacuum box and locked the
centrifugal advance . Simply welded both axles together .

It works like a charm and the engine runs and starts without isues .

Later on I found a "real" urq- dizzy , and guess what .
The internals are exactly thesame as my modified one .
Except for the one wndow hall .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Pajak" <martin at quattro.ca>
To: "urq" <urq at pacbell.net>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] "Doesn't Need Distributor Signal"

>I suspect it would be rather difficult to run a 6-cylinder dizzy on a 5
> cylinder regardless on where the windows are ;)
> Cheers
> Martin
>> urq
>> . sorry to have made it so you had to read between the lines!
>> Thanks for the tip, I agree, using a 5 windowed dizzy should work fine
>> with
>> the WX/MC or any others which originally had only one.  The donor has to
>> have an odd # of cylinders though, if it were even you would have a Hall
>> window at both TDC points and the ECU might try to fire the #1 plug at 
>> TDC
>> exhaust . which really is the only reason there's a Hall sensor and 
>> window
>> in the first place.
>> Steve Buchholz
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