[urq] Pumps & Pots er wha?
Ben Swann
benswann at verizon.net
Mon Mar 29 12:41:39 PDT 2010
I tee it in. Add a tee into the return line so it can go into the pipe as well.
Thought about this long and hard and was going to try a number of ways.
When you think about how it works, you can understand the elegance in simplicity. The
fuel return flow is equalized and part goes into the pipe and part goes into the tank.
By teeing it there will never be negative pressure on the pipe, nor too much pressure
causing a runaway flow.
It also allows to purge the filter sock in the feed line that seemed to be loading up
every now and then.
All I can say is even if I didn't really know what I was doing, it works great, wheras
everything else before this failed.
From: Robert A Dupree [mailto:robert.a.dupree at jpmchase.com]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 3:04 PM
To: Ben Swann
Subject: RE: Pumps & Pots er wha?
Just to be clear - you're running the return from the fuel-rail back into this capacitor
instead of the normal return-to-tank pathway? Have you simply capped that original
return-to-tank line?
Was there a magic volume equation you used to determine size & placement, or did you
start from available space and work into a 'what fits' scenario?
I suppose it will never get easier for me to make something that bloody right now! I'm
very glad I happened to read the threads!
Rob D.
From: Ben Swann [mailto:benswann at verizon.net]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 1:56 PM
To: Robert A Dupree
Subject: RE: Pumps & Pots er wha?
As soon as I finish with some work that is outstanding, I will post a web page on this.
in the mean time I'll shoot you some pictures.
From: Robert A Dupree [mailto:robert.a.dupree at jpmchase.com]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 2:23 PM
To: benswann at verizon.net
Subject: Pumps & Pots er wha?
Hey Ben - I missed the original problem and description of your in-place solution. As
I'm in the middle of re-vamping the fuel system on the 3B UrQ conversion, any BTDT you
have would be most appreciated. Right now all hard lines, pumps, accumulators are off
the car. I had not intended to remove the tank, but.. will see if I need to as a result
of your solution.
If it's documented on your website just forward the link please - I don't recall seeing
it the last time I was looking in.
Rob D.
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