[urq] A new project : a 5000TD !

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Sun May 9 20:55:22 PDT 2010

What kind of magazine do you write/compose Louis?

Danton J.A. Cardoso



It's nice to ask, Danton.


I do a free automotive paper magazine here in Montreal, where I write car
reviews, I have a column where I talk about anything that is car related, I
do also a mystery-car page and I publish a dozen articles more each two
weeks. It's in French, and the advertisers are mainly used car dealers from
the Greater Montreal. We also have advertising from new car dealers, about
1/3rd of what we sell. 


The funny thing is : I would never do that if I hadn't discover Audifans in
2001 and began writing about my Quattro, and sharing experiences with you
guys. That gave me the balls to express my views about automobiles, and that
also showed me that a good story is interesting for many readers. I've
learned a lot here from all of you, and sometimes you are in my column.


We used to copy the magazine on a blog, www.leblogauto.ca, but it is not
updated since January because of some staff shortage. And the fact that the
blog is not bringing enough money to justify its existence yet. French
Canada (which is mainly Quebec) is only 8 million people, a small market for
mass media.  


Anyway, it's a really fun job, I have much latitude to cover what I find
interesting, and this 5000 TD could be a nice subject in my page 5 column.
That's the hardest text to write, since it's an opinion or a point of view
on something. Reviewing a car is much easier.




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