[urq] A new project : a 5000TD !

Johnny a.pre95 at gmail.com
Thu May 13 13:01:59 PDT 2010

I would be if it werent thousands of miles away :(

Seriously though, if that engine goes to the crusher someone is
missing out on A) tons of cash with easy to sell parts, and B) a
really neat engine thatd make a direct bolt in swap for a 4kQ diesel.

Someone save this!!!!

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Louis-Alain Richard
<larichard at plguide.com> wrote:
> Well, folks, it looks I won't take the car after all : lack of time and
> space.
> Now, some of you expressed an interest in it, so it could be yours for free
> if you take it off the actual owner. The car is in Montreal QC, CANADA.
> And no, sorry about this, but I and the actual owner can't pull the engine
> from the car and send the shell to the crusher.
> Anyone interested ?
> Louis-Alain
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