[urq] ball joints for 85 urq
Robert A Dupree
robert.a.dupree at jpmchase.com
Fri Oct 1 11:10:54 PDT 2010
They have part boxes that have left and right part numbers on them.
But the boxes contain only 1-side.
I have qty:10 of them and spent days having their guys sift through their inventory and open up boxes. Right box, wrong part.
I have ordered the off-brand balljoint and it should arrive in the next couple days.
Will let you know what I think of it when it arrives.
Otherwise - 034EFI has them.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
> Ed Kellock
> Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 1:03 PM
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Subject: [urq] ball joints for 85 urq
> Not finding these readily available. WorldPac online seems to think they're
> gold-plated. BapGeon doesn't show them. Carquest can get'em but from a
> non-standard supplier.
> Rock Auto show a manufacturer closeout of a TRW part, 10404, with a pop-up
> that indicates it fits 84-85 quattro.
> Another listing from a different supplier shows too many applications for me
> to feel comfortable with it. Everything from 83-85 quattro to 88 90
> Quattro. Seems like that one would probably disappiont
> Does anyone know of a reliable p/n supplier, etc.? I can't find it online
> at Autohaus AZ and when I called them the guy was not even remotely helpful.
> Ed
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