[urq] front strut replacement

Ed Kellock ed.kellock at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 12:33:29 PDT 2010

Thanks L-A.  I have decided to do the control arms as well so I have sort of
negated the issue of strut removal or mandated it, whichever way you look at

I think I'm going to be able to get everything I need by Mon or Tues so I
have a shot at getting to Vegas.



-----Original Message-----
From: Louis-Alain Richard [mailto:laraa at sympatico.ca] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 7:26 PM
To: 'Ingo Rautenberg'; 'Ed Kellock'
Cc: urq at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [urq] front strut replacement

Me neither. I did the front numerous times, 4x for the upper strut
bearings/spring perches and 1x for the shocks, and now I can manage to do it
both side in an hour or so. You definitely need to remove the strut from the
car, and you'll need a spring compressor after. If you have the special tool
to undo the top nut, it's a common VAG tool available for a few bucks, you
don't need air tools at all. But it's a lot faster and easier with an impact
wrench. Undoing the swaybar is easy. Re-installing it is a PITA... so you
can also leave the swaybar bolted to the lower a-arm, but then you'll need
an heavy friend with a long and strong tube (think floor jack handle) to
remove the lower ball joint from the knuckle.

Oh, don't do the same mistake I made with the tie-rod nuts : since the
treads will be rusted/dirty, undo that nut completely before trying to pop
the tie-rod from the knuckle. Then, don't try to hammer it out by blowing on
the nut downward, it will just damage things worst. It's a lot more
efficient to use a tie-rod spreader, if you have access to one, or use the
alternative technique. That trick needs a big hammer (5 lbs or more) and
precision : you hit the knuckle arm horizontally on its end with a strong
blow. The vibration/compression will pop the tie-rod end from the knuckle in
2 or 3 blows, guaranteed. And it's a movement that makes all this work
worthwhile : when was the last time you had the chance to balance a heavy
hammer to something ? It's almost a therapy :=).

Good luck,


-----Message d'origine-----

Not that I'm aware of - unfortunately. Now the later (90-91 Coupes) were
super easy easy as well - in that you literally unbolted the
cartridge/upright from the hub carrier and exchange/replace. Found that out
when I helped a friend do his and it made me jealous. Now that was a quick


On Sep 30, 2010 6:52 PM, "Ed Kellock" <ed.kellock at msn.com> wrote:
> I read the book last night before going to bed. The Bentley manual 
> makes for some great bedtime stories. I think I know the answer, but 
> is there an easier way to replace the front strut cartridges than 
> removing the axle, ball joint, and tie rod end?
> Ed
> Spoiled in Colorado Springs by type 44 front cartridge replacements 
> out/in through the top

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