[urq] Overboost Problem

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 10:25:23 PDT 2010


You say the lines were checked and SHOULD be routed correctly. The MC1 has
considerably higher compression than the WX engine - hence the knock sensor
(which you're not using - and may well contribute to the pinging).  Are the
hoses routed as if the engine were still a WX? Did you keep the old
distributor and Hall sender or use the MC1 one (actually not sure if that
would make a difference).


On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 9:04 PM, Ken LiPani <mentosman42 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Car is an 83 quattro with an MC-1 swap but the P.O. that did the swap
> left the MAC-02 ecu in the car. problem is i got the car out of the
> shop and took it for a test drive after doing a lot of work and the
> car is overboosting/predetonating. when i get into it(4500-6000) the
> dash gauge reads 2 bars of boost and the car is definetly
> predetonating. i know i shouldnt be making that much boost on this car
> because it was never chipped and i dont think that the P.O. installed
> a heavy spring.
> im wondering if the problem is that the wastegate that is on the car
> is the one that came from the car the MC-1 came from and not the
> original WX wastegate.
> all of the vac and pressure lines were checked and should be routed
> correctly.
> thanks
> -Ken
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