[urq] Overboost Problem

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Thu Oct 7 19:07:40 PDT 2010

 As I said before... and even if you have not time to work on it now, you still should take 5 minutes and unhook all the lines going to the WG.  At least then you wouldn't risk overboosting in the meantime.




-----Original Message-----
From: Ken LiPani <mentosman42 at gmail.com>
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:04 pm
Subject: [urq] Overboost Problem

thanks for all the responses, have a bunch of checks i need to do now
thanks to the info i just got. next day off is sunday and i will do
some timing checks(apply pressure and vac to the ecu) to make sure its
not timing problems.

i did already pressure test the wastegate and it holds up to 15 psi
and then it starts to crack open. as was said the line to the top side
was adding pressure to the WG and holding it shut so that is some of
the problem.

unfortunately i dont have the time to take this car back off the road
to try and figure out an ECU swap so im going to see if i can make
this situation work for now. this car is my DD because my other car
was totalled a little over a month ago. not an ideal situation but it
has to be.

im thinking that the predetonation is being caused by the boost
pressure and the boost pressure alone, we will know on sunday when i
throw some vac and pressure at the ECU and see where the timing goes.

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