[urq] Tire Recommendation

Thomas Pollock tompollock2002 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 12 09:18:59 PDT 2010

ditto. I run them on two other cars and they are great !  The only tire I've had 
that I felt were better were the Bridgestone RE01R's. Amazing tire and I was 
getting MUCH better wear than expected till one day I had one fail 
catastrophically and noticed a second was about to fail. I contacted Bridgestone 
and they couldn't be bothered. Someone later pointed out the company had 
discontinued that tire for unknown reasons so I tried contacting them again. 
About the WORST customer service I've ever been exposed to.
I'll never buy another Bridgestone product again.... YMMV.


From: Michael Williams <mswmswmsw at gmail.com>
To: "urq at audifans.com" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 11:13:07 PM
Subject: [urq] Tire Recommendation

Hey all,

I've got a tire recommendation for everyone. Dunlop Direzza Sport Star  
Spec. I know, it's a mouthful, but they are phenomenal. The sidewall  
is nice and firm, the tread is amazing, with a pattern that is faurly  
close to as agfressive as yiu can get on a street tire. They are great  
in everything except the snow.

Plus, they aren't particularly expensive, especially considering their  
performance. I put a set on my 911 (haven't gotten through the  
Yokohama es100's on the UrQ yet - but I can't wait till I do because I  
hate em. The sidewall is soo weak). I've got sizes 205/55-16 front and 225-50-16 

  in the rear. They were impressive right off the  bat and have just  
gotten better and better. I haven't found their limit yet.

Anyway, just thought I'd chime in. Hope it helps someone out.

83 MC EFI UrQ- GT28r turbo, headers, 3" downpipe, 21lbs boost,  
coilovers, koni yellows, delrin bushings,  big brakes, custom manual  
tilton dual master cylinder brake setup, cibie euro lights, blah blah
81 911 SC Targa - lots of mods coming, eventually something like  
above, but mostly just suspension, engine stuff is way too expensive

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 10, 2010, at 12:00 PM, urq-request at audifans.com wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>  1. Re: [s-cars] New R-rated All season tires , What Brands ??
>      (LL - NY)
>  2. Re: New R-rated All season tires , What Brands ??
>      (dgraber460 at aol.com)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2010 16:44:38 -0400
> From: LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [urq] [s-cars] New R-rated All season tires , What Brands
>    ??
> To: Joe Pizzimenti <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com>
> Cc: "Urq List @ audifans" <Urq at audifans.com>,    "S-Car List  
> @audifans"
>    <S-Car-List at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
>    <AANLkTi=XCc5C6Djo1JYT+3SAKfiNgsX9b3Gx3OGkO-s_ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> In addition, R-comps are not capable of running in cooler (as in  
> below 40
> degree F) weather in damp, wet or snowy conditions.  The rubber acts  
> rock
> hard at that point, affording no grip. BTDT (fortunately without  
> incident).
> On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Joe Pizzimenti <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com 
> >wrote:
>> R compounds are not all seasons.  They are pretty much not what you  
>> think
>> you need unless they're going on track wheels.
>> Shop tire rack for max performance summers or all seasons.
>> On Oct 9, 2010 3:11 AM, "Stephen Redford" <shr42 at msn.com> wrote:
>>> ----- Hello Lists. It's been awhile since I had my can on the  
>>> road, '85
>> Urq-now with megasquirt. It now needs tires. I use it on the  
>> street, but
>> will go to the track for track-days, where I will use it harder.
>>> There have been several discussions on the lists about "which  
>>> tires" to
>> use.. I try to keep up. Someone posted a statement, that they  
>> thought the
>> best tire for an all season tire, used on the street and some track  
>> use
>> would be "R" rated , because of its construction. I don't remember a
>> preference for brand though. So, what are the opinions of best  
>> brand for
>> All
>> season - R rated tires. ?? I would prefere to have two sets of
>> wheels/tires,
>> but cannot at this time. Oh, I am in Seattle, Wa. but will probably  
>> use the
>> Tire Rack, but nothing is set in stone. ...Thanks in Advance ,  
>> Stephen
>> Redford '85 Urq
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 22:05:59 -0400
> From: dgraber460 at aol.com
> Subject: Re: [urq] New R-rated All season tires , What Brands ??
> To: shr42 at msn.com, Urq at audifans.com, S-Car-List at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <8CD3636D15A951F-1F20-1B39D at webmail-d100.sysops.aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Tire threads are akin to oil and threads. One man?s nirvana is  
> another?s waste of raw materials.
> Having said that, finding a good summer tire that will be good on  
> the track can be achieved, but the definition of good is up for some  
> debate. An all-season that is good in both snow and dry is again  
> achievable depending on the definition of ?good?. Great is _not_  
> part of this discussion. Asking that same all-season tire to show  
> respectable behavior on a track day is indeed a stretch. As far as  
> compound technology has come, it is not capable of that level of ? 
> all things in all situations?.
> The more dedicated to a specific use you can devote any product  
> (tires, oil, engines, soap), the closer you can get to great.
> What region/climate do you live in? What sort of compromise in each  
> of the conditions (winter, summer, track) are you willing to endure?  
> Which of those 3 is your priority? Rate them in importance 1-3 and  
> that will help you limit the field of choices. There are deals and  
> bargains out there, but cheap tires are a false economy. Tire Rack  
> is a good source with good selection and good pricing. They buy in  
> _huge_ quantities.
> Toyo, Yokohama, and Kumho make a good street/track tire, and Nokian  
> makes the best all season in their WR G2.
> There is a saying in sales ? regards price, quality, or speed of  
> delivery ? which 2 of those 3 do you want? Of the 3 purposes a tire  
> is designed to fulfill, which 2 of those 3 do you want?
> Dennis
> Denver
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Redford <shr42 at msn.com>
> To: Urq List @ audifans <Urq at audifans.com>; S-Car List @audifans 
><S-Car-List at audifans.com 
> >
> Sent: Sat, Oct 9, 2010 1:06 am
> Subject: [urq] New R-rated All season tires , What Brands ??
> ----- Hello Lists.    It's been awhile since I had my can on the  
> road, '85
> rq-now with megasquirt.    It now needs tires.  I use it on the  
> street, but
> ill go to the track for track-days, where I will use it harder.
> here have been several discussions on the lists about "which tires"  
> to use..
> try to keep up.  Someone posted a statement, that they thought the  
> best tire
> or an all season tire, used on the street and some track use would  
> be "R" rated
> because of its construction.  I don't remember a preference for  
> brand though.
> o,  what are the opinions of best brand for All season - R rated  
> tires. ??
> would prefere to have two sets of wheels/tires, but cannot at this  
> time.
> h, I am in Seattle, Wa. but will probably use the Tire Rack, but  
> nothing is set
> n stone.      ...Thanks in Advance ,    Stephen Redford  '85 Urq
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> End of urq Digest, Vol 84, Issue 15
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