[urq] Ignition Question

urq urq at pacbell.net
Tue Oct 12 21:28:33 PDT 2010

That switch is only used to operate the warning chime when you leave the key
in the ignition and open the driver's door.  

Do you know how the engine control for the V8 is wired in on your car?  It
should be powered directly from the ignition switch, but make sure they
didn't use some sort of load reduction relay.  As I'm writing this I'm
skeptical that such a relay would be sticky though ... 

I'm thinking that the lock cylinder may be getting weak and twisting.  The
column lock mechanism on the urq makes it difficult to remove the switch
module, but I think that's what you're going to have to do.  It may be that
a switch will fix it.  

The service manual has you drill out a shear bolt to pull the column lock
... I was able to slide the assembly off the steering column by pulling the
wheel and the spring that pushes the steering wheel toward the driver.  It
may be easier to drill out and replace the shear bolts ...

Steve Buchholz

-----Original Message-----

I believe it's the ignition switch itself.  IIRC there's a push-button in
the switch itself (at least there is in the later cars) and it makes contact
when you push the key in before you turn the ignition on and I think maybe
it's sticking when you go to pull the key out?


On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 8:02 PM, AF <afinn1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> A couple of times recently I have pulled out the ignition key and for a
> second the engine kept running and then shut off. Is this likely an issue
> with the lock cylinder or the ignition switch itelf. Patient is an '85
> Thanks so much.
> Andrew Finney
> 1985 UrQ

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