[urq] shifters

Ben Swann benswann at verizon.net
Wed Oct 13 08:19:11 PDT 2010

Both - the ball and socket portion of the selector shaft, as well as the Ball/Cage in
the shift shaft are wasted.  I have done my provisional repairs - pretty good actually,
but need to replace with repairs that will be permanent and long lasting.  I will use
like this until I am able to have what I need to make the permanent lasting repairs.

I'm checking out 034 short shift kit for the B3/coupe quattro among others -
recommendations?  I have a kit originally Billzcat for the 200/V8 cars, but is way

Any idea if there is some difference in throw between the RS2 shifter/cage for the 01E
six speed and the one for the Coupe Quattro 5 speed?  I did not see a difference in the
two, but they have different part number - probably just the prefix for RS2 and the
suffix D on the lever.  Both assemblies - the part inside the car - shaft, cage,
ball&Socket, etc. were nearly identical for the Coupe Q and the RS2.  There was a slight
difference in the thing called a "buffer" that acts as a reverse catch and is mounted at
the bottom of the cage.  Other than that they seemed identical and came apart in the
same way - separation of the rubber that is press fit into the cage.  Just wondering if
I need to be concerned with the ability to get all the gears using an OE spec. shifter
made for the CQ with the RS2 01E trans and selector linkage.

Other than that, I think a nice billet short shifter kit would be the ideal fix for


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-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Cameron Dean [mailto:jackcdean at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:52 AM
To: Ben Swann
Subject: Re: shifters

The ball and socket it most likely whats fuct in the rs2 linkage 034 now carries the jhm
solid fix for that.

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote: 
OK - Yeah, I know about the price.  I had a friend source me the RS2 linkage while he
was in Germany.  
For $500 I got a piece of crap that was falling apart.

That is why I sourced the second linkage - another $250.  I did not compare the selector
rods until I went to install and that is when I  found they were quite different.  So I
have definitely paid the piper.  

Too bad you can't always verify what you are getting before-hand and no recourse to get
a refund when getting these used parts overseas.
I have the RS2 one in the car now - fairly well repaired with rubber tape and epoxy.  I
know I need to do something long term and sounds like I can take the RS2 selector shaft
out and make the S4 one into the same configuration.  This is what I'm trying to
confirm, since I don't want to make my presently marginal shift linkage completely
The ball and socket portion of the S4 shaft are in good condition.

Thanks for the advice.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jack Cameron Dean [mailto:jackcdean at gmail.com]> Sent: Wednesday, October 13,
2010 10:04 AM
> To: Ben Swann > Subject: Re: shifters
> The long selector rod is what needs to be modified.  There are several posts on
motorgeek about it.  In addition... good luck finding 01E S2 or RS2 linkage or parts for
the prices you have listed on audifans.

It took me a while and any set I got needed a rebuild.  You are best off using the b5 s4
linkage, doing the cut, rotate, re-weld, and  installing it. Just saying
> On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:
>> Cut, Rotate and reweld - I was thinking of something like that.  We are speaking
about just the selector shaft correct?  It seems to have the right piece(s) just in a
different angle.
>> I did not realize when I got it that the 01E for the S4 was that different.  Too bad
I can't make use of the Shift lever - nice assembly.
>> Ben
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jack Cameron Dean [mailto:jackcdean at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:24 AM
>> To: benswann at verizon.net
>> Subject: shifters
>> You need either of the left pictures.  The one to the far right is for a b5 s4 with
an 01e 6 speed.  It will work however, but will  require modification (cut, rotate, and

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