[urq] WX, Wastegates testting.

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Wed Oct 20 08:17:08 PDT 2010

 You're going at this the wrong way...   The wastegate doesn't open and close only due to pressure on the diaphragm.  In fact, if you were to pressurize the diaphragm enough to open the wastegate, I believe you would rip it.  The diaphragm and ports exist only to "modify" the effect of the wastegate spring... to make minor adjustments to opening and closing by "strengthening" or "weakening" the overall effect of the spring.

The heavy lifting is done by the exhaust pressure applied to the bottom of the WG.  Unless you know the exact relationship between exhaust pressure and boost (and you don't, nor do I), you will not be successful in setting up the WG on the bench to provide 14lbs of boost.  You need to do this by running the car and adjusting the preload on your WG spring.






-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Torres <bike-doctor at hotmail.com>
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Wed, Oct 20, 2010 8:44 am
Subject: [urq] WX, Wastegates testting.

Hi Guys,
quick question...on wastegate:
I am trying to set my WG to open at 14psi...
I put air pressure thru the bonjo bolt below of the WG but doesnot hold pressure 
The diaframe is good since, I checked no visual cuts, plus it holds vacume from 
the top...
Is that normal that it will leak thru the piston? or my piston is worn-out?
(i think is a piston that goes up & dowm..I have not take it apart yet)


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Ed Torres
FA901038 UrQuattro
Norwalk Ct 06855



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