[urq] we have a winnar!

Mike Sylvester mike at urq20v.com
Wed Dec 21 20:20:12 PST 2011

Funny thing, I didn't even know there was any contest or that I had won.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [urq] we have a winnar!
> From: Thomas Pollock <tompollock2002 at yahoo.com>
> Date: Tue, December 20, 2011 8:08 pm
> To: "urq at audifans.com" <urq at audifans.com>
> I've been waiting for the award ceremony before posting this but it has been delayed to the point that I'm not waiting anymore. A bunch of us attended the annual "brokedown" cruise and get together back in Oct at the Gardner airport in Gardner Mass. If your a fan of the slammed car look, you'd have a hard time keeping your jaw off the ground. This years estimate was somewhere around 1100 cars. Mostly VW but tons of nice german metal. I was a first timer and I was COMPLETELY blown away ! Soooo many incredible cars/works of art. 
> I'll cut to the chase. There were maybe two dozen categories and Mike Sylvesters' awesome urq won for pre-95 Audi !  I know a couple of the organizers and was told his car was the hands down winner. There were a couple of professional photo outfits on hand and I've seen some shots showing up around the web. Someone also did a nice facebook montage. It's carved up into several hundred photo sections that will take you hours to plow through but the link below contains a couple shots of Mikes car (I hope). I've been told some folks have not been able to load the link, not sure what the deal is but I don't have a problem.
> Bravo Mike !
> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.686186659619.2142395.34802202&type=1
> cheers,
> tom.
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