[urq] Bad starter?

audiqtrocp audiqtrocp at aol.com
Thu Oct 27 00:10:04 PDT 2011

I have a brand new $180 starter sitting on my shelf because I denied the fact that 'it could have been a bad battery already'.  

In Seattle you guys dont have the extremes in weather that we do in Vegas but assume the battery until you prove it's not.  

Sent from my iPhone for, the one with the bigger Gee Bee's

On Oct 26, 2011, at 12:28, "Patrick Carlier" <p.carlier at pandora.be> wrote:

> Most likely the brushes in the starter are worn and or stuck .
> Symptomes are you can hear the starter relais click but
> the motor doesn't engage .
> Sometimes "gently"  tapping the starter with a hammer will revive it .
> Only  for a very limited period of time , but when you're stuck in the
> middle of nowhere it's worth trying . Take the gently with a grain of salt .
> Sometimes you'll have to hit it pretty hard .
> The real fix is to take it apart and replace the brushes .
> And if possible give the rotor a pass on the lathe  to clean up
> the collector . It's an easy thing to do , and a brushes kit will
> cost about 40€ ( 60usd approx )
> Good luck
> Pat
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thatcher Hubbard" <thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com>
> To: "Urq List" <urq at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 6:01 PM
> Subject: [urq] Bad starter?
>> It got down into the 30's for the first time here in Seattle last night.
>> This morning, I get nothing but clicking when I try to start the quattro.
>> The alternator was done last year, and was showing an excellent 14.3V
>> between terminals after the replacement.  I have not pulled the back seat up
>> yet to make sure the battery is truly good, but all the lights are strong.
>> I will pull the seat and do a battery check before I do anything, but it
>> seems like this might be the starter?
>> I get a click from under the dash (ignition relay?) and a louder click from
>> under the hood.  I'm quite sure the starter in the car is the original, so
>> if it is dead, it made it almost 30 years, not a bad run.
>> Just wanted a second opinion and some BTDT from the list before I go
>> ordering a new starter motor.
>> As always, thanks,
>> Thatcher Hubbard
>> Seattle, WA
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