[urq] delrin C/A bushings

fdekat fdekat at sentex.net
Sat Sep 17 09:23:59 PDT 2011


I've installed 034's delring bushing kit 

http://www.034motorsport.com/chassis-components-audi-40008090urq-control-arm-bushings-delrin-small-small-chassis-p-403.html )

on  the front of both of my urq's, and have *yet* to ever hear *anything* in
the way of noise from either one of them.  They do come with some grease that
you are supposed to lube the center bushing with, and I thought that may be a
pain to ever reapply if they started making noise. But still after maybe
15,000 miles, no noise, so I've never had to pull them apart. (But a
noticeable improvement in 'crispness').  I find it odd that I'm the only one
that (so far) likes them....>


> Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 19:38:47 -0400
> From: Bob D <bob at maxboostracing.com>
> Subject: Re: [urq] delrin C/A bushings
> Message-ID: <4E73DE07.3030108 at maxboostracing.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Same here. Delrin bushings in my coupe was the worst decision I ever 
> made on that thing. They are now long gone.  Just as Wylie says, good OE 
> bushings are great and last a long time if installed right.
> bob

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