[urq] 85 UrQ- A/C compressor options?

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Wed Apr 18 12:20:42 PDT 2012

Yes it's possible . I 've put a rotary compressor from an  S2
on my 7A conveted CQ . It's not bolt on , it comes down to making
a custom bracket and some plumbing . Toook half a day and it was not much 
trouble .

But , and this could be important .
The S2  was likely one of the last R12 equipped cars .

 I doubt that an R137A compressor can be used on R12 , and I
even more doubt that the stock AC system can handle  R137A .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Mills" <s.b.mills at gmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 8:36 PM
Subject: [urq] 85 UrQ- A/C compressor options?

> Folks-
> Just heard my compressor is shot. This is an 85 UrQ, stock compressor is
> 035-260-803C. Available new from the usual suspects for over $1K (not
> happening) or rebuilt for under $200, but since I have to replace it 
> anyway
> wondering if there are any better options than the boat anchor mini-York
> like a modern rotary compressor that will bolt up or can be adapted to 
> fit.
> Anyone gone down this road successfully?
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