[urq] UrQ Rear Sway Bar

Charles Baer charlie at istari.com
Thu Apr 26 08:23:29 PDT 2012

I just took pics of the Sport Wheels rear on my '83:


Server's on a residential DSL guys, so go easy on it :-P

AF wrote:
> Folks, it seems the jury rigged rear sway bar mounts made by Thompson Smith
> have failed me. Can someone remind me the official and best way to put a
> rear sway bar on an UrQ. Is it to use an early ('89-'90) coupe quattro rear
> subframe? The patient is an '85 UrQ so I know using an early UrQ rear
> subframe presents problems with the rear tie rod mounting points and the
> later Type 85 cars (80Q, 4000Q) did not have rear sway bars, right. Any
> help is appreciated. Thanks.
> Andrew Finney.
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