[urq] Steering rack kit

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Mon Aug 13 10:42:58 PDT 2012

I did some searching , and I was able to find a source for the 
steering  rack rebuild kits . 
My local parts supplier was very helpfull with this , ans said it was most likely the last aftermarket 
parts supplier that still carries them . 
How long it's gonna last ?? No one knows .

I ordered one out of curiosity and got it today . 
It contains several o-rings , the rack seal itself , the oil seal for the pinion  and the necessary sleeves 
and mounting aids .Just like audi's kit used to have  . 
It's all very std stuff realy , as someone stated before  , worth pennies ar most . 
Except for the rack seal itself wich resembles more a bearing then an oil seal . 
I doubt that that one can be sourced "off the shelf ". 
If anyone 'de care to get one just in case I'l be happy to order and ship them . 
Price is 75€ wich is a bit more then the audi kit , but at least it's better then nla . 


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