[urq] removing the pvc coating

Chris Miller c1j1miller at aol.com
Sat Dec 15 12:26:54 PST 2012

VW guys use the dry ice method on the tar like undercoating beneath the
carpet; not sure it would work so well on the plastic like PVC on the
On mine, I'm only peeling back the PVC where I see evidence of damage; then
por 15 and some time of top coat to follow.

-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of Steve Mills
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:53 PM
To: Patrick Carlier
Cc: urq Audifans
Subject: Re: [urq] removing the pvc coating

I haven't used it myself, but other people have used dried ice to freeze the
coating- hitting it with just a mallet then shatters it, and allegedly
there's minimal cleanup. 

On Dec 15, 2012, at 12:07 PM, "Patrick Carlier" <p.carlier at pandora.be>

> Pvc coating , or whatever they used in the 80's . I don't really know what
it is exactly . 
> Been scraping and scratching and tapping all day with a hammer and a 
> blunt screwdriver and all kinds of tools to get rid of the white coating
used on the underbody and wheel arches  .
> So I was wondering
> Is there  a more decent way to get it of ? 
> A solvent maybe or a heat gun .
> Especially once I get the majority off , there are usually some remains . 
> Would be nice to be able to wash them off . 
> Most of the time the sheetmetal is in very good shape if the coating
hasn't cracked  . 
> Pity they didn't apply a layer of zinc or chromate primer first . That 
> would have protected the steel even if the pvc coating wwas damaged .
> Oh well , can't complain , all in all for a 30 year old car ,  the body
work is minor . 
> Pat
> . 
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