[urq] WOT enrichment

koenigj at comcast.net koenigj at comcast.net
Sun Jun 10 08:02:47 PDT 2012

Oh yeah, '82 rig ht?  I'm thinking of the 'later' system with O2 feedback and freq. valve... 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Mike Del Tergo" <mdeltergo at hotmail.com> 
To: koenigj at comcast.net, urq at audifans.com 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 9:03:22 AM 
Subject: RE: [urq] WOT enrichment 

I am taking my mechanic's word that the switches and pressures are in order.  I can redo the electrical tests and recheck hose routing but I don't have the tools to confirm proper fuels pressures.  I didn't do myself any favors swapping out the WUR before I had the WOT issues sorted, but as it is no worse now, I'm convinced the problem lies elsewhere.  I must admit to not having the fullest grasp on "duty cycles" etc as my car is very early has no frequency valve or O2 sensor to feed info to the TCU/ECU though I have added one to monitor AFRs. 

Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 01:24:48 +0000 
From: koenigj at comcast.net 
To: mdeltergo at hotmail.com 
CC: urq at audifans.com 
Subject: Re: [urq] WOT enrichment 

Can't claim a lot of BTDT, but I've always been intrigued by the fact that the WOT enrichment essentially comes from the WOT switch establishing a fixed duty cycle.  In order for this to work as intended, the 'normal' range of duty cycle (proper mixture adjustment) would have to be operating such that the WOT fixed duty cycle produces the desired difference rather than, fo example, switch to a fixed duty cycle that leans the mixture. 
Perhaps you made some pressure tests and mixture adjustments with the new WUR? 
Am I all wet? 

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