[urq] FW: reproduction of the black tail lights

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Sat Jun 16 21:50:58 PDT 2012

Quite frankly ; looking at the prices on their webside
robbery is the first thing that comes to mind .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Torres" <bike-doctor at hotmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:04 PM
Subject: [urq] FW: reproduction of the black tail lights

Hello Ur-quattro friends.
Any one looking for rear tail light here is a pre-order...
I have order stuff from Susanna and they are very good in getting you the 
right stuff and deliver to USA..
info below if interested or go to her web site and scan through her 

Click FaceBook logo to find us on FB.

~~~~~~  _  \  <_
~~~~~~ (    ) /  (    )™
Ed Torres
FA901038 UrQuattro
Norwalk Ct 06855

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 14:31:01 +0200
From: susanna.eberle at bluewin.ch
To: Graham.Brookes at fera.gsi.gov.uk; audiquattro99 at hotmail.com; 
quattrocorner at btconnect.com; nogami1344 at ac.auone-net.jp; 
amcars at amcarsquattro.co.uk; robert.a.dupree at jpmchase.com; 
quattrobits at hotmail.com; normanshearer at btinternet.com; martin at quattro.ca; 
jones606 at xtra.co.nz; karl at karpf.se; swiggett at btinternet.com; 
zamproni1964 at yahoo.com; bike-doctor at hotmail.com; nismopower21 at hotmail.com; 
john.clark at belmont-coms.com; dkeaveney at ireland.com; vgtoni4 at hotmail.com; 
AngusDoe at ernestdoe.com; tomodonn at eircom.net; pahdraig at hotmail.com; 
esmored at ozemail.com.au; freddyferracci at gmail.com; 
Kev.knights at googlemail.com; kevin.finnegan at planet.nl; 
ur.quattro at ntlworld.com; Chris.Salaj at honda-eu.com; mika_napank at netti.fi; 
bigaudi44 at yahoo.com; ivivanco at atefrisa.es; gareth_jennison at hotmail.com; 
a.turner30 at ntlworld.com; markushellsten91 at gmail.com
Subject: reproduction of the black tail lights

          Type 81/85
          drivers and riders,

          Romain (ex
          Luxclassicparts) and I take wants to
            reproduce the black tail lights
          for Typ 81 / 85 Coupe

          The will be
          300, - FR (250 €)
          + VAT

          To minimize the
            risk of money
          of this very
          intensive investment,
            we have to rely on pre-orders.

          The delivery will
          be around Nov / Dec 2012th

          Please mail me
          if you're interested.

          Please send
          this information to
            all your friends

          With kind regards,

          Susanna Eberle

p-ARTs Eberle
Susanna Eberle
Chefistrasse 12
8636 Wald
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