[urq] Window regulators

Keith Lloyd spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 19 22:29:22 PDT 2012

To make things a bit easier when removing/refitting the motor etc, put a 
piece of cloth over the top of the door frame and used two lengths of strong 
tape (duct tape?) over to top of this to stick to the glass on each side. 
This will hold the glass out of the way (once you have disconnected it from 
the winder mechanism) while you jiggle the motor etc out. Simple but helps 
greatly to not have the glass getting in the way. Just unhook one side of 
the tape to raise or lower the glass when refitting until you get it in the 
right place to reconnect to mechanism. Like having a second pair of hands.


'87 WR

-----Original Message----- 
From: Gmail
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 2:28 AM
To: Thatcher Hubbard
Cc: Urq List
Subject: Re: [urq] Window regulators

Tony Hoffman rebuilds these, and I just shipped him a big box of spares so 
he may be able to rebuild a set and do an exchange.

Anyway, the regulator bolts into the door in a few places. Pull the door 
panel and then the water shield if it's still there.

Once it's accessible there will be two bolts hold the glass to the rail. You 
will have to lower the window a bit to access them. Once those are out, you 
can lower the glass to the bottom of the door. You should be three bonded 
rubber mounts attaching the motor to the door shell. Then there will be one 
bolt holding the bottom of the rail that's inside the door shell, and two 
holding the top.

To detach the wiring, pull the kick panel and fish out the green wiring with 
the pin plug.

Pull out the regulator first, and then the glass.


On Jun 19, 2012, at 8:28 PM, Thatcher Hubbard <thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com> 

> I've had zero luck finding replacement door handles that work, but a bodge
> job with some metal epoxy is working for now.  It's probably been six 
> years
> since I was able to get into the car by simply going to the driver's side
> door.
> So, onto my next priority: working windows
> It appears as though I can get some of the later model screw-type
> regulators off of Ebay pretty easily.  I'm not exactly sure what's wrong
> with mine aside from snapped cables, but neither motor will go up or down,
> despite the presence of 12V at the connectors.  Luckily, both my windows
> were up when this happened
> Can anyone share any removal tips with me?  The rail the window slides on
> is secured top and bottom, but I'm concerned that I'm going to end up
> breaking my window if I don't do this correctly.
> When I get the regulators out, I'll see if there's any hope of rebuilding
> them, though with snapped cables and broken guides, I'm not sure if that's
> likely.
> Thanks,
> Thatcher
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