[urq] anyone have experience with unwired tools utics warm up regulator

David Derting ddm620 at pdxhost.com
Tue Mar 27 12:38:15 PDT 2012

urq friends,

I've been off the list for a few years as I may have missed a previous 
discussion.   The stock warm-up regulator (WUR) has been screwy for a 
long time now and I've finally gotten 'round to dealing with it.   
Instead of rebuilding it I was thinking of buying this: 
http://unwiredtools.com/utcis-v.asp  Does any one have experience with 
this product?   Yes, I know an 034 system would be better but I don't 
have time to do an extensive upgrade implied by a full system replacement.

David Derting
Mars Red urq 530

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