[urq] Engine stall under heavy electrical load : where to look ?

audiqtrocp audiqtrocp at aol.com
Tue Mar 27 15:45:20 PDT 2012

Many of us here run 034, self included, why not get ahold of them and have the team up there help out?   There are lots of factors and variables in how people have installed the system.  Does he run it with an ISV or adjust his idle the old fashioned way?


Sent from my iPhone for, the one with the bigger Gee Bee's

On Mar 27, 2012, at 13:47, Louis-Alain Richard <laraa at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> My good friend Eric has a few issues with its 20V 034-EFIed urQ. 
> The most annoying is the fact that the car dies when the cooling fan starts,
> especially if the headlights are switched on. Brady tried to raise the idle
> speed or enrich mixture a bit, but nothing works. Now, Eric (who is a
> prominent auto journalist) wrote that he's thinking of selling the beast.
> For those who can read French (there is a nice picture of the car) :
> <http://auto.cyberpresse.ca/opinions/eric-lefrancois/201203/26/01-4509369-ma
> -quattro-toute-histoire-a-une-fin.php>
> http://auto.cyberpresse.ca/opinions/eric-lefrancois/201203/26/01-4509369-ma-
> quattro-toute-histoire-a-une-fin.php
> I was there with them last Friday, and I noticed a few things : fan starts
> on the highest speed only, and very often for a short period of time. Could
> it be only that ?
> This engine has a lightened flywheel : could it be "too" light ?
> Many readers suggested bad engine grounds  : but if it was the case, then
> how the hell the starter would get it's juice ? 
> Let me know, and please reply to all so we can collectively cure this
> almost-sorted car.
> We don't need another car to leave the nest.
> Louis-Alain 
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