[urq] Engine stall under heavy electrical load

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 27 20:15:36 PDT 2012

The first place I'd look is electrical, not to the mixture etc.  Sounds like the ECU or injectors or both are not getting enough juice under high electrical load.  Could also be bad grounds in these circuits that would have nothing to do with the starters ability to do it's job on a different circuit.  A qiuck load and or continuity tests on the affected circuits should ferret out the problem.  After all that has happened to get the car EFI'd, it seems silly to threaten tossing it out of the garage for a probably simple electrical gremlin.  > From: Louis-Alain Richard <laraa at sympatico.ca>
> Subject: [urq] Engine stall under heavy electrical load : where to
> 	look ?
> My good friend Eric has a few issues with its 20V 034-EFIed urQ. 

> The most annoying is the fact that the car dies when the cooling fan starts,
> especially if the headlights are switched on. Brady tried to raise the idle
> speed or enrich mixture a bit, but nothing works. Now, Eric (who is a
> prominent auto journalist) wrote that he's thinking of selling the beast.
> For those who can read French (there is a nice picture of the car) :
> I was there with them last Friday, and I noticed a few things : fan starts
> on the highest speed only, and very often for a short period of time. Could
> it be only that ?
> Many readers suggested bad engine grounds  : but if it was the case, then
> how the hell the starter would get it's juice ? 
> We don't need another car to leave the nest.

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