[urq] Spam

urq urq at pacbell.net
Wed Nov 21 12:52:44 PST 2012

Welcome to the group Greg!


No, I don't think it is common.  Bandwidth on the list has been pretty low
lately and it appears that the last two messages posted were spam messages
apparently originating from list member addresses.  Most spam is caught by
the server.  


I just did some more research and I updated the filtering at the server with
something that I believe will catch these (no subject) messages.  We can
keep our fingers crossed!


URQ MEMBERS: The new filter will "moderate" these messages, so I should be
able to identify any messages accidentally filtered by this method . but, as
always, don't hesitate to send me a note if you believe a message you have
posted doesn't get sent out in timely fashion.


BTW, if you believe your post has been filtered the first place to look is
the archives on the audifans.com site.


Steve Buchholz


Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:05 PM
Subject: Spam


Just received my first Urq digest. 
2 messages. 
Both spam...... Is that common? 
Greg Spark

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