[urq] Ur-S4 / V8 Ufo brakes

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Tue Jun 11 11:01:18 PDT 2013

I too had heard all of the negative stuff.  I picked up a broken '19 200 20v that was UFO equipped a number of years ago.  Based on what I had read, I was prepared to convert it to G60s.  I repaired the car and figured I'd give the brakes a go before ditching them.

Wow... glad I did.  Those UFO brakes were fantastic... IMO, every bit as effective as Big Reds on the UrS4.  I used those brakes fairly hard... that car did some severe service... high speeds, mountain/high altitude driving, as I was commuting regularly from the Denver area to Yellowstone Nat'l Park.

I never did have to buy rotors for it, only pads.  They never warped, and they never performed anything short of superb.  Frankly, I really ended up wondering how they got such a bad rap.




-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Sylvester <mike at urq20v.com>
To: Patrick Carlier <p.carlier at pandora.be>; 'audifans urq' <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 11, 2013 11:22 am
Subject: Re: [urq] Ur-S4 / V8 Ufo brakes

I had them on my '91 200q20v avant and I thought they were great.
I never had any warping issues.
They are however expensive if you need to replace the rotors.

Mike Sylvester

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [urq] Ur-S4 / V8 Ufo brakes
> From: "Patrick Carlier" <p.carlier at pandora.be>
> Date: Tue, June 11, 2013 1:08 pm
> To: "'audifans urq'" <urq at audifans.com>
> Hi Guy's , does anyone have experiance 
> with the (in) famous UFO frontbrakes , used on the V8 and urS4 
> audi's ? 
> Got myself an S4 donor today , and to my surprise it has brand 
> new front UFO brakes . Thought they were V8 an audi 200-3B only .   
> Not that I intend to try and use them on the ur-q , but as usual I'de like to 
> know a bit more . 
> From what I've been told , they're not the best in the world , they warp 
easily and 
> are friggin expensive . 
> Pat 
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