[urq] t no start/crank when hot weird wire

Steven Murray michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 26 18:49:34 PDT 2013

I've had the same NO_CRANK_WHEN_HOT problem for years, but after 4 years I'm going to have the courage to put my urq back on the road.  Today I photographed those 2 wires coming off the alternator, mine look dirty, could be that simple.  There is a 3rd small wire with a red or orange crimp connector splice.   The cloth sheath over the wire is fraying.   Any idea what that 3rd whire does of if it is typical to have that crimp connector there ?   It looks like it's been butchered.  


on photobucket - or if the url is removed,  try to check my userid 84quattro (don't have one, but 83quattro was taken) 

That is the oil cooler on the lower right ,  and intercooler on lower left corner.  

 From: Patrick Carlier <p.carlier at pandora.be>
To: Keith <spotatashleys at hotmail.com>; urq at audifans.com 
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] Intermittent no start, now a weird intermittent start.

I had a similar problem
Lazy starting , as if the battery was drained . Sometimes , but not alway's 
Sometimes a deadfull click ....

In a nutshell .

1) The cable from the battery was wired to the alternator .
Then came back to the starter with a thinner gauge . .
Should be the other way around .
Improved starting , but didn't cure .

2) Underneath the carpets under the glove box there's a wire splice  .
A good squeeze with a vice grips improved things but didn't cure it .

3) New brass connector on the battery , crimped and soldered to the cable .
Once again improved a bit but didn't fix it .

4) Finally I found that the connector (  the eye or whatever it's called in 
english )
that connects the cable to the starter was a bit "loose" .
Cutting it of and crimping and soldering an new one cured the problem once
and for all .

It's a miracle that  car would start in the first place :)

In the future I intend to run a large gauge cable  directly from the battery 
to the starter and get rid of the wire splice .
To feed the fuesbox , two extra 6mm² wires will be used , also directly from 
the battery to the fusebox .
That way the fusebox will not "see" the high starter current and the poor 
contacts in the wire splice will also be eliminated .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith" <spotatashleys at hotmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:19 PM
Subject: [urq] Intermittent no start, now a weird intermittent start.

> Sometime ago I put up a series of posts about an intermittent no start 
> where it sometimes would start fine and sometimes I’d turn the key and 
> nothing would happen, not even a click. However if I rocked the car a bit 
> whilst in gear, it would start. Not only was this a pain when it happened 
> it was a bit embarrassing too. I put up with it for far too 
> long.....because it was intermittent.
> Anyway after getting it all back together and up and running following the 
> head gasket job I resolved to purchase and fit a new starter motor which I 
> did today. (had a day off work quattro day in the sunshine!).
> Now the new starter turns every time and whirrs nicely like a starter on a 
> modern new car but..........after initially starting reasonably well the 
> next time it turns slowly like the battery is run down and doesn’t fire. 
> So I charge the battery up which surprisingly didn’t take long so it 
> couldn’t have been too low. This time it fired up. I went for a short 
> drive, came back, switched off. 5 Minutes later tried to start it and it 
> turns over slowly like low battery but won’t start. Battery showing 12.33v 
> and when I put it on the charger it shows fully charged. I am not great at 
> diagnosing electrical faults. Fine at repairing them but not good at 
> identifying them.
> Anyone have any ideas what’s going on. Sorry to be monopolising the list 
> at the moment but having a beautiful car and wonderful weather.....yes 
> that’s right wonderful weather in England...I’m really disappointed not to 
> be able to be out enjoying it on the open road. So if you have any ideas, 
> as usual, I will be most grateful. Many thanks.
> All the best
> Keith
> ‘87 WR
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