[urq] Audi Museum miniatures

Steve B urq at pacbell.net
Tue Nov 12 15:45:04 PST 2013

This keeps coming up from time to time.  ISTR someone saying the clips were still available.  If not, and someone had a means to create a data base or scan one in, it should be doable.  I wonder if color might be an issue.  If they are not available, and there might be some interest in a group buy to get the costs down, I'm more than willing to be the "boots on the ground" with 034.

Steve Buchholz

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

Keith Lloyd <spotatashleys at hotmail.com> wrote:

>If they fire up the 3d printer for miniature urqs d'ya think they could run off a few sun visor clips while they're at it?
>'87 WR
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On 12 Nov 2013, at 16:41, "Steve B" <urq at pacbell.net> wrote:
>> ... in these days of $300 3-D printers, I wonder what it is we're talking about getting from the "mother ship."  I've talked to Javad about custom printing parts for my car, and the cost isn't terrible even in one off quantity (assuming that I took responsibility for the model).  
>> Does anyone know if there is any sort of copyright on the shape of the urq?  Certainly a stylized representation would not be illegal ...
>> Steve Buchholz
>> ... as I mentioned in my direct email, I am interested in whatever comes from the discussions with AoA, but rather thinking aloud here ...
>> Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> A bit ago some one posted about Audi Design's recent installation in the Munich museum.  For those not up on the very slow list traffic the last few months, much of the info can be seen here http://www.designboom.com/technology/audi-design-wall-installation-at-pinakothek-der-moderne/   with plenty more info available at the touch of a Google search.
>>> Because I have not recently beaten my forehead flat against the wall, I thought I might inquire, though not sure where, of the powers that be, if any of these minis might be made available for semi public consumption, i.e. us.  I figured since CAD CAM programs are made, and the tooling exists, why not try and persuade Audi to expand the production run for the torch carrying, knuckle busters among us.  While there has not been a lot, OK any, support in the obsolete parts department I've never seen a complaint that accused Audi of not knowing how to make a buck.
>>> In that vein can we possibly gauge what sort of organic  interest there might be from the list, and Heaven help me, possibly at what price point? 
>>> I'm pretty sure I'd faint to see what Audi wrote off as the cost for each billet miniature and I doubt I'd consider even a fraction of that for one of my own, but maybe a plastic one?  With the program these would also be pretty easy to 3DP should we be able to get Audi of the mind.  So what say you?
>>> Mike
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