[urq] Clutch Master Cylinder tips

Chris kleinbiker1 at aol.com
Sat Sep 7 18:17:59 PDT 2013

So what's jammed in there?  Do they not move the HVAC crap to the left side when the car is RHD? If not that would explain the headache. 

On Sep 7, 2013, at 18:06, David Ritter <dave.ritter at gmail.com> wrote:

> That would be the difference between RHD and LHD I think. The RHD is a huge
> PITA according to most who have had to do it.
> Although they do have more access to parts on the east side of the
> Atlantic, I'm glad my clutch master change was on a LHD car.
> On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Chris <kleinbiker1 at aol.com> wrote:
>> I can't recall exactly what I did when I did my master cylinder but I know
>> I sure didn't have to make any special tool. It's been a few years but I
>> don't recall having any trouble replacing it.
>> Chris
>> 85 WX
>> On Sep 7, 2013, at 16:36, "Keith" <spotatashleys at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Here are some pictures of the quick tool I knocked up to help fit the
>> nuts and stop them turning when refitting the master cylinder:
>>> http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=0AcNG7hm0ZuGLLLA
>>> Regards
>>> Keith
>>> From: Keith
>>> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 10:06 PM
>>> To: urq at audifans.com
>>> Subject: Clutch Master Cylinder tips
>>> Greetings All
>>> Just a heads-up for anyone facing replacing their clutch master cylinder
>> on their quattro (may the force be with you...you’ll need it).
>>> My clutch action had been poor for some time before the master cylinder
>> finally failed and the pedal kept staying on the floor. All this despite
>> trying a variety of methods of bleeding over the years. Whenever I bled it
>> and whichever method I used the fluid seemed reluctant to leave the fluid
>> reservoir and the shift always left a lot to be desired. So I knew for some
>> time that I would one day face this day, when I would have to tackle the
>> big job. So today the bullet was bitten and the master cylinder replaced.
>>> And so, two tips:
>>> 1. Whilst  you have the cylinder off, don’t just remove
>> reservoir-to-cylinder fluid pipe and fit it to the  new master cylinder,
>> blow it through with compressed air. I blew a big slug of brown snot out of
>> mine which probably explains why the fluid level was always slow to drop
>> when bleeding previously and thus not bleeding properly previously.
>>> 2. To make the job of removing and refitting the master cylinder easier,
>> make yourself a nifty little tool to stop the retaining nuts turning which
>> are almost impossible to hold. The tool is a long 13mm socket (no wrench,
>> just the socket on its own) Drill a hole (3 or 4 mm dia) about 10mm or so
>> from the lip of the socket and put an appropriately sized roll-pin in the
>> hole. You will just about be be able to put the socket on the nuts which as
>> I said are almost impossible to prevent turning given the space available
>> and the roll pin will stop the socket turning. The socket will be hard to
>> drill though. After fitting the master cylinder you can remove the socket,
>> remove the roll pin from the socket and continue to use your socket as
>> before (until the next time!).
>>> Hope this helps if you are having to face this dreadful job.
>>> Regards
>>> Keith
>>> ‘87 WR
>>> p.s. quattro now shifts better than at any time since I’ve owned it.
>> Just got to get back on the hard starting issue (which I feel sure is poor
>> residual pressure)!
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