[urq] Quattro values

John johnkarasaki at msn.com
Sat Apr 26 17:21:15 PDT 2014

Not sure if the left hand drive versions are losing value. Rumor is, rust free USA ones are still heading back to der fatherland where rust rules.

On Apr 26, 2014 3:51 PM, Keith Lloyd <spotatashleys at hotmail.com> wrote:
Some disconcerting news in the latest edition of Practical Classics magazine- values of UK quattros went down by 29% over last few months (except for very early WRs and late RR's. High running costs and zero parts a availability are probable cause. Whereas MB, BMW and Porsche values keep heading skywards- all parts available for these, even at a price. Surely one day this will hurt Audi?
'87 WR

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