[urq] AAN or 3B swap

John Koenig koenigj at comcast.net
Sun Feb 2 19:17:37 PST 2014

I assumed that the issue was intake "runner" length vis a vis torque curve, etc., rather than plenum volume per se. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "David Glubrecht" <daveglu at hotmail.com> 
To: "s b mills" <s.b.mills at gmail.com>, "p carlier" <p.carlier at pandora.be> 
Cc: urq at audifans.com 
Sent: Sunday, February 2, 2014 4:13:40 PM 
Subject: Re: [urq] AAN or 3B swap 

Another 3B swap here. Will definitely be doing the 3B as I have two of those and no AAN's. 
I also plan on going stand alone with the adaptronics 1280 and this will run COP. 
While I feel free and able to modify mostly anything I want, intake track length is only a concern due to room constraints. 
I was concerned a little on my last project about intake track length (volume) as it is very long/large. 
This is a MC running CIS with 3' cis to turbo, 2' turbo to intercooler, large intercooler, 3.5' intercooler to intake. All plumbing is ~2.75id. 
I have not seen anything with this much post airflow meter volume and was concerned, but I have not noticed any adverse effects. 
What is the concern with intake volume? 

David Glubrecht 

> I do believe the AAN is a better engine, but the AAN can require a lot of fabrication to install. I personally would go with an ABY (late S3) or ADU (RS2) sourced from Europe, or installing an SQ style intake on the AAN that moves the throttle body to the front of the engine. This should minimize the required modifications and also minimize the length of the intake path. 

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