[urq] We have windshield gaskets! YAY!

Stephen Redford shr42 at msn.com
Tue Feb 25 17:21:28 PST 2014

--- Thanks for the Update and The Work  !!      ...Stephen H Redford  '85Urq

On Feb 24, 2014, at 10:20 PM, John wrote:

> This ever going quest began on November 15, 2013 with an innocent ask by me of the urq list.
> There have been countless international emails, a couple of international phone calls, and many, many North American emails.
> We reached the first milestone: the first 10 urq windshield gaskets are in my possession!
> I drove the 30 miles during my lunch hour to pick up the package at the US post office.
> DHL Germany must contract with the USPS to deliver their packages here. That would explain why DHL USA could not help me track the package nor did they know it was even on US soil.
> Phase II: unpack then individually pack and ship the gaskets out to the first set of participants. I'll be using FedEx ground, but will need to learn how to automate this as I do NOT want to write out 8 separate FedEx slips.
> So from 11/15 to 2/15 (they tried to deliver on Saturday, but we were not home and a signature was required), it took roughly 3 months from concept to receipt by me.
> I'll start round two of confirming, ordering, paying, etc. for the next people on the want list AFTER I get the last one of this batch sent out.
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Stephen H.R.
shr42 at msn.com

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