[urq] tires and premature aging

John johnkarasaki at msn.com
Sat Jan 18 10:53:00 PST 2014

If 215/60/15 fits without rubbing, sounds like it's a winner!

On Jan 18, 2014 10:29 AM, Tony Lum <tlum at flash.net> wrote:
Forgot to copy the reply to the list

Hi Lino,

My drivetrain is now different from the original. When I
 swapped the engine from my '87 5kcstq, I also swapped the 016
transmission.  Instead of .78 5th gear, my 5th gear is now .73.

 undersize, I'm referring to the 205-60/15 tires that came stock on the
5kcstq.  According to the 1010 tire calculator (205-60/15 stock):

215-50/15 = -4.95%  undersized, no tires <--This is causing my speedometer to run faster hence the premature aging.
225-15/15 = -3.35% undersized, a few tires
215-60/15 = +1.9% oversized, many tires available

 course 205-60/15 would be just right but are too narrow for the 15x8
Ronals.  I would need to switch to 15x7 Fuchs, but I love the look of
the Ronals.

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