[urq] FW: Current status of the shipment urq windshield gaskets

Karasaki johnkarasaki at msn.com
Fri Jan 31 11:24:57 PST 2014

Happy Friday!


I have only had to deal with DHL once before. That was last month and in that instance, they were very lacking. Very slow. Didn't come up to our house because of the snow (understandable). But then pretty much blew us off for a couple of weeks.


I hope the experience this time will be better. But the cryptic message leaves me a bit doubtful.


I also hope that in a few days the message will be more exciting news! I'll continue to share as I get updates.


Have a great weekend. And for the parts of the country affected by the arctic vortex, be grateful for the quattro weather!


From: trackandtrace at dhl.com [mailto:trackandtrace at dhl.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 11:16 AM
To: John Karasaki
Subject: Current status of the shipment urq windshield gaskets from Germany with the shipment number 350011138035

Dear Customer,

Below is the current status of the shipment urq windshield gaskets from Germany with the shipment number 350011138035: The shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking: )

For more information on the shipment, simply make a status request via the following link: Request current shipment status 

Yours sincerely,

Your DHL team


DHL Vertriebs GmbH
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Dr. Frank Appel, Chairman of the Board, Ken Allen, Roger Crook, Bruce Edwards, Jürgen Gerdes, Lawrence A. Rosen, Angela Titzrath
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